Pickling and cleaning stainless steel

This is a surface treatment process based on the use of chemicals to clean and prepare metallic surfaces before certain operations (painting, chrome plating, nickel plating, cadmium plating, etc.). The purpose of pickling is to eliminate any surface impurities (oxide scales, grease…) that may prevent the layer of chrome or coat of paint from adhering to the metallic part.

First, the parts are washed in water at a temperature of 90 degrees to remove any dirt or metal particles adhered to them.

Then, the pickling agent (a specific gel), which does not damage stainless steel, is applied and then rinsed off with water at a temperature of 90 degrees.

The next step is to prepare the structures to be submerged in an Ultrasonic Tank, using a specific product at a temperature between 55 and 80 degrees. The process takes about 5 hours.

After this treatment, the material is inspected and the treatment time will be increased if necessary.

Once the ultrasonic process has been completed, the parts are rinsed using water at 90 degrees and, if necessary, a passivating process is applied. The passivating process is designed to maximise the resistance to corrosion of stainless steel parts after machining.

Finally, the surface is sprayed with a specific polish for stainless steel. This product contains less than 30% aliphatic hydrocarbons and less than 5% non-ionic surfactants. Then the parts are dried by hand.

As it arrived and the perfect finished product:

Look at “before/after” work: